Σάββατο 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

2 ψέματα και 1 Αλήθεια

το ένα ψέμα ειναι ο υλισμός. ειναι δυνατόν η ύλη να υπάρχει από μόνη της; το άλλο ψέμα
ειναι ο ινδουισμός. ειναι δυνατόν η ύλη να ειναι συγχρόνως και Θεός; η σωστή πρόταση
ειναι: ο Θεός έφτιαξε την ύλη (εκ του μή όντος, ειπε και εγενήθησαν).

If we asked all people throughout the ages the question, “what is there-what exists?”,
we would receive three answers. (If you think there are more we can discuss this, as more
answers would be subcategories of the following three).
1. There is only matter (Materialism).
2. Besides matter, there is a faceless god figure (the Brahman of Hinduism), something like the
spirit of the universe, which makes up one reality (“all are one”).
3. The (uncreated, Personal, Triadic) God created the Angels, matter and mankind.
Of the above three positions, the first two are discarded.
1. Is it possible that matters exists on its own?
2. Is it possible that matter (nature) is God?
  The third statement satisfies human logic. God made the World from nothing. He spoke and all was
Now how do we know that the truth lies only in our Church?
There are not many religions. There are two categories. Those based on Idolatry (i.e. God is part
of the world and part of nature) and those religions which are Monotheistic.
Those people who gave the second response belongs to religions based on idolatry. Today
such religions are Hinduism, Buddism, Shido, Taoism, the 12Gods, Animism, Pantheism,
New Age, Masonism, etc.
The Monotheistic religions are Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
Of these, Judaism has completed its mission, as the Messiah (Christ) came, but was not
recognized/accepted. The Zionist Hebrews are preparing for the coming of the Antichrist,
which will be their Messiah.
Islam has a leader who is a man who pretends to be a prophet. He took different elements
from Judaism and Christianity and made a suitable religion for the Arabs.
Only the Orthodox Church is the true religion. More accurately, it is not a religion but the
revealing of God to the world, as it was founded by the God – Man Christ. It is “the Body
of Christ carried throughout the ages, and the Holy Spirit guiding our Saints.
Papism, Protestantism and the rest of the heresies are human creations, which have
twisted the Gospel.
What should we know: 1. God created the world. 2. With the original sin, death and
evil came into our lives. 3. Christ became human to put us back into Paradise
(eternal life close to God). 4. Our Church is a School and Hospital, and by living
her mystirical  life we have a foretaste of Paradise.

What do we need to do: 1. Pray. 2. Partake in the Holy Service of Thanks Giving
(Communion). 3. Confession. 4. Fasting…

3 σχόλια:

    About theological matters *
    There is a difference between salvation before death (sainthood) and salvation after death (Paradise). For Those who go to Heaven does not mean their life has come to an end. This conclusion prevents us from being fanatical or simply to not "tremble" for our salvation
    Most will go to Heaven, only the unrepentant will go to Hell (around 10% says Father Paisios from Mount Athos). When we faced ecumenists or heretics or non-Orthodox christians, we should not confront them humanely but pray to God to enlighten them to become Orthodox christians. Besides, it is dangerous to say the words of the saints of our Church without being holy. Our example is enough.
    The non-Orthodox will also eat from the leaves of the tree of life in Heaven(Rev. 22,2). This does not mean we have to give up our struggles for holiness. Only within the Orthodox Church a man can become holy, and that is our privilege. That is why at our judgement we will be expected to answer to God with more strict criteria. To become saints we must pray, fast and share the mystical life of our Church.
    About economic matters
    There are no lenders and borrowers. The Bank issues money and distributes it to states, parties and individuals. Politicians are instruments of the Bankers, (and they are right to do so...). Globalization is not in itself a bad thing. Wars between nations are abolished, and science helps people live more comfortably. The offset of money is farm-livestock products, since the Bankers have the food control in their hands they can issue as much money as they want and they distribute it wherever and whenever they want. So all social, political, economical and ethical issues are interpreted. The Bank sees us as a flock of sheeps and provides for our breeding. Freedom and intellectual life do not concern the Bank as Orthodox Christians we are called to live with fasting, prayer and Mystical life and "God will take care of us". www.youtube.com/user/KERMENI

    If we compare our lives to the lives of our grandparents, who were farmers and stock breeders in their vast majority, we will see that the town people now live like "kings".
    Here is, a table showing that we indeed live like "kings":
    1. We do not cultivate fields but eat bread
    2. We do not prune trees but we eat fruits
    3. We do not crawl gardens but we eat vegetables
    4. We do not milk cows but we drink milks
    5. We do not feed chickens but we eat eggs
    6. We do not feed pigs but we eat meat
    7. We do not graze sheep but we wear woolen (and not only) clothes
    8. We do not have horses but we commute by "horsepower" ...
    If we did not have these weaknesses to disorient us, we would say everyday "glory to God" for all these goods that people in older times had to work hard to get them.
    Anyone who lives an ascetic life manages to survive and creates a family and lives spiritually the life of the Church.
    In developed countries farmers-breeders are 3% of the population. This is a miracle of science. God through science enables us to live without producing our food! This was unthinkable for people from the day of Adam and Eve until recently.
    Let us remember what E.Roidis said about the people who are organized in political parties and expand it to 97% of the people who literally live without producing their food: "A political party is a group of people, capable of reading and writing, while having their legs and hands competent, but they hate every kind of work and prefer to unite under a leader, seeking to bring him to the office of the prime minister by all means, for him to provide them with the means to live without working".
    97% of people live without milking cows, without grazing sheep, without plowing fields without having to live in nature (and live by nature).
    97% of people are workers, employees or retirees. They go to the supermarket and assume that they will find and buy the livestock-farming products which man feeds. Some may believe that machines lay the eggs instead of chickens!
    97% of people can spend their free time gossiping, eating, drinking, having fun, traveling without having to feed the livestock that feed them, without even taking care of the garden that will give them the vegetables.
    97% of people have the luxury of criticizing and judging everyone and everything, complaining against political leaders, asking for their rights, asking for money and food in greater amounts in order for everyone to be able to partake in the sins they prefer. .
    97% of people (except those few who live on benches due to, rather, psychological problems) either working or not, have food, clothes, roof over their head and do not have to say good morning to their neighbor, since the petty city lifestyle gives them the opportunity.
    The apartments and houses give the opportunity to anyone to live everywhere as he likes, without having to answer to either God or people. And then, we wonder, why the Parliament is legislating this way (cohabitation agreement, adoption rights to gay people etc).
    The 3% miracle, therefore, interprets in itself all the social, political, economic issues that we are faced with everyday, and given that closed agriculture and economic societies don’t exist anymore, we are called to adapt, to thank God for the expensive material goods we enjoy , compared to the billions of people who preceded us, but also to live ascetic, in order for our souls and bodies to not be affected by the “progress” of science.

    Science spawned the Machines, the Machines gave birth to Capitalism, Capitalism gave rise to Communism and Fascism, and today we have a Banking system. If, however, there were no agricultural products, no system could exist.
    Everyone is a servant-employee of the BANK! The agricultural products belong to the Bank (since all farmers are indebted), so it controls farmers and those who eat agricultural products. That is, everyone.
    Since agricultural products exist, the Bank can spend as much money as it can and share it wherever and whenever it wants! In fact, the real value of the money is not in the gold or the dollar, but the [potatoes and the onions]underlined commodities, since for people to live (farmers, workers, employees, rich, and poor) they do not need metal or paper but agricultural products.
    Globalization is not a bad thing in itself. The only evil will be if they ask us to deny our faith to the true God and if they ask us to mark ourselves with 666. (I wish the purpose of globalization was to make all people Orthodox Christians and speak Greek!)
    As Orthodox Christians, it does not matter if the whole planet becomes one state, since there have been periods in our history that we lived with other nations in vast empires.
    We do not care whether there will be one currency, since the Gospel says "deliver what is meant for the Caesar to Caesar".
    We should not complain too much about reducing the money that we have at our disposal, since the Church in any case urges us to live a basic lifestyle.
    We should not turn against immigrants, since all people are God's creation. Besides, immigration is caused by the machines. The machines drove people away from the countryside, since today a farmer cultivates with machinery and fertilizers the fields that 100 peasants would have fertilized in the past. Also jobs in cities may not be infinite, but they also depend on various factors and on the existence of machines.
    Globalization “says” we should not have many children, but women do this on their own (when they leave the countryside and go to the city they stop giving birth). We do not have to blame the dark forces. The world population will be reduced with mathematical precision when the entire planet is industrialized, and that is not far off.
    Globalization offers us contaminated food, but we also fail to keep our Church's fasting. If we were to partake in fasting, we would also save money.
    Instead of worrying about the government spying on us, it would be best to try to sin less.
    If the globalists are so perverted and want to exterminate us, let God protect us from them through our prayers . If they are not stopped, it will mean that the Second Coming of the Lord is near, so the biological end of all will come.

