Τετάρτη 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2019


π. Γεώργιος Ἰ. Θεοδωρίδης
translated by Baggelio Lolia




Commenting on the news, I thought I could publish in book form all my online "articles". Anyone who wants, can visit my youtubechannel: https://www.youtube.com/user/KERMENI, where my Facebook posts and my onedrive files are available.
I wish for a good study and to bestow some knowledge (I hope it could be accompanied by holy spiritual experience) to my dear listeners and friends on the Internet, and through this book (or issue) to you.
If we asked all people across the age spectrum, “what is there-what exists?”, we would obtain three answers., (If you think there are more we can discuss it further, as more answers would be subcategories of the following three).
1. There is only matter (Materialism).
2. Besides matter, there is a faceless God figure (the Brahman of Hinduism), something like the spirit of the universe, which makes up one reality (“all are one”).
3. The (uncreated, Personal, Triadic) God created the Angels, matter and mankind.
Of the above three positions, the first two are discarded.
1. Is it possible that matter exists on its own?
2. Is it possible that matter (nature) is God?
  The third statement satisfies human logic. God made the World from nothing. He spoke and all was created.
Now, how do we know that the truth lies only within our Church?
There are not many religions. There are two categories. Those based on Idolatry (i.e. God is part of the world and part of nature) and those religions which are Monotheistic.
Those who support the latter approach belong to religions based on idolatry. Today such religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Shido, Taoism, the 12 Gods, Animism, Pantheism, New Age, Masonism, etc.
The Monotheistic religions are Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
Of these, Judaism has completed its mission, as the Messiah (Christ) came, but was not recognized/accepted. The Zionist Hebrews are preparing for the coming of the Antichrist, which will be their Messiah.
Islam has a leader, a man who pretends to be a prophet. He took different elements from Judaism and Christianity and made a suitable religion for the Arabs.
Only the Christian Orthodox Church is the true religion. More accurately, it is not a religion but the revealing of God to the world, as it was founded by God – Man, Christ. It is “the Body of Christ carried throughout the ages, and the Holy Spirit guiding our Saints.
Papism, Protestantism and the rest of the heresies are human creations, which have arose by twisting the Gospel.
What should we know: 1. God created the world. 2. By the original sin, death and evil introduced into our lives. 3. Christ became human in order to get us back into Paradise, (eternal life close to God). 4. Our Church is a “School and Hospital”, and by living a mystical life we take a foretaste of Paradise.
What do we need to do: 1. Pray. 2. Partake in the Holy Service of Thanksgiving (Communion). 3. Confession. 4. Fasting…
As far as politics is concerned, we do not have to deal with them, because the “BANK” "issues" the money and shares it with whom it wants. The Bank enjoys this  privilege of choice, due to its full control over the supply of all agricultural products, which consist the total supply of money circulating around the world.
The economic crisis can be faced with a life of praying, fasting and close to the Church mysteries.
About theological matters *
There is a difference between salvation before death (sainthood) and salvation after death (Paradise). For Those who go to Heaven does not mean their life has come to an end. This conclusion prevents us from being fanatical or simply to not "tremble" for our salvation
Most will go to Heaven, only the unrepentant will go to Hell (around 10% says   Father Paisios from Mount Athos). When we faced ecumenists or heretics or non-Orthodox christians, we should not confront them humanely but pray to God to enlighten them to become Orthodox christians. Besides, it is dangerous to say the words of the saints of our Church without being holy. Our example is enough.
The non-Orthodox will also eat from the leaves of the tree of life in Heaven(Rev. 22,2). This does not mean we have to give up our struggles for holiness. Only within the Orthodox Church a man can become holy, and that is our privilege. That is why at our judgement we will be expected to answer to God with more strict criteria. To become saints we must pray, fast and share the mystical life of our Church.
About  economic matters
There are no lenders and borrowers. The Bank issues money and distributes it to states, parties and individuals. Politicians are instruments of the Bankers, (and they are right to do so...). Globalization is not in itself a bad thing. Wars between nations are abolished, and science helps people live more comfortably. The offset of money is farm-livestock products, since the Bankers have the food control in their hands they can issue as much money as they want and they distribute it wherever and whenever they want. So all social, political,  economical and ethical issues are interpreted. The Bank sees us as a flock of sheeps and provides for our breeding. Freedom and intellectual life do not concern the Bank as Orthodox Christians we are called to live with fasting, prayer and Mystical life and "God will take care of us". www.youtube.com/user/KERMENI
Most people  still have not comprehend that: THE BANKS OF  THE WORLD ISSUE MONEY AND DISTRIBUTE IT TO WHOEVER THEY WANT, WHENEVER THEY WANT. They distribute to  states, the parties and to private individuals according to their plans, interests and aspirations.
In the case of Greece, it was necessary to give them enough stimulation, to leave the village, to learn how to live in the city (workers, employees), to stop reproducing, to learn how to be in debt and then to "understand" how the system works , AND AT THE END THEY WOULD REQUEST THE ALL MONEY BACK.
But again, their purpose is not to get back the loans, because all the money is theirs, but to engage us in their game,  the globalization, which again, is not in itself something bad ...
After all, the saying “Together we spent the money”(“MAZI TA FAGAME”) is right. THE PENSIONS AND THE APPOINTMENTS WERE INTENDED TO TAKE THE GREEK PEOPLE FROM THEIR VILLAGES AND MOVE THEM TO THE URBAN CENTRES. For the banks the cost of this transformation was not an issue. We paid the cost already, in excess. The only good thing about this migration from the villages to the city is that it took place peacefully. In other countries the same thing happens with wars.
If we compare our lives to the lives of our grandparents, who were farmers and stock breeders in their vast majority, we will see that the town people now live like "kings".
Here is, a table showing that we indeed live like "kings":
1. We do not cultivate fields but eat bread
2. We do not prune trees but we eat fruits
3. We do not crawl  gardens but we eat vegetables
4. We do not milk cows but we drink milks
5. We do not feed chickens but we eat eggs
6. We do not feed pigs but we eat meat
7. We do not graze sheep but we wear woolen (and not only) clothes
8. We do not have horses but we commute by "horsepower" ...
If we did not have these weaknesses to disorient us, we would say everyday "glory to God" for all these goods that people in older times had to work hard to get them.
Anyone who lives an ascetic life manages to survive and creates a family and lives spiritually the life of the Church.
In developed countries farmers-breeders are 3% of the population. This is a miracle of science. God through science enables us to live without producing our food! This was unthinkable for people from the day of Adam and Eve until recently.
Let us remember what E.Roidis said about the people who are organized in political parties  and expand it to 97% of the people who literally live without producing their food: "A political party is a group of people, capable of reading and writing, while having their legs and hands competent, but they hate every kind of work and prefer to unite under a leader, seeking to bring him to the office of the prime minister by all means, for him to provide them with the means to live without working".
97% of people live without milking cows, without grazing sheep, without plowing fields without having to live in nature (and live by nature).
97% of people are workers, employees or retirees. They go to the supermarket and assume that they will find and buy the livestock-farming products which man feeds. Some may believe that machines lay the eggs instead of chickens!
97% of people can spend their free time gossiping, eating, drinking, having fun, traveling without having to feed the livestock that feed them, without even taking care of the garden that will give them the vegetables.
97% of people have the luxury of criticizing and judging everyone and everything, complaining against political leaders, asking for their rights, asking for money and food in greater amounts in order for everyone to be able to partake in the sins they prefer. .
97% of people (except those few who live on benches due to, rather, psychological problems) either working or not, have food, clothes, roof over their head and do not have to say good morning to their neighbor, since the petty city lifestyle gives them the opportunity.
The apartments and houses give the opportunity to anyone to live everywhere as he likes, without having to answer to either God or people. And then, we wonder, why the Parliament  is legislating this way (cohabitation agreement, adoption rights to gay people etc).
The 3% miracle, therefore, interprets in itself all the social, political, economic issues that we are faced with everyday, and given that closed agriculture and economic societies don’t exist anymore, we are called to adapt, to thank God for the expensive material goods we enjoy , compared to the billions of people who preceded us, but also to live ascetic, in order for our souls and bodies to not be affected by the “progress” of science.
Science spawned the Machines, the Machines gave birth to Capitalism, Capitalism gave rise to Communism and Fascism, and today we have a Banking system. If, however, there were no agricultural products, no system could exist.
Everyone is a servant-employee of the BANK! The agricultural products belong to the Bank (since all farmers are indebted), so it controls farmers and those who eat agricultural products. That is, everyone.
Since agricultural products exist, the Bank can spend as much money as it can and share it wherever and whenever it wants! In fact, the real value of the money is not in the gold or the dollar, but the [potatoes and the onions]underlined commodities, since for people to live (farmers, workers, employees, rich, and poor) they do not need metal or paper but agricultural products.
Globalization is not a bad thing in itself. The only evil will be if they ask us to deny our faith to the true God and if they ask us to mark ourselves with 666. (I wish the purpose of globalization was to make all people Orthodox Christians and speak Greek!)
As Orthodox Christians, it does not matter if the whole planet becomes one state, since there have been periods in our history that we lived with other nations in vast empires.
We do not care whether there will be one currency, since the Gospel says "deliver what is meant for the Caesar to Caesar".
We should not complain too much about reducing the money that we have at our disposal, since the Church in any case urges us to live a basic lifestyle.
We should not turn against immigrants, since all people are God's creation. Besides, immigration is caused by the machines. The machines drove people away from the countryside, since today a farmer cultivates with machinery and fertilizers the fields that 100 peasants would have fertilized in the past. Also jobs in cities may not be infinite, but they also depend on various factors and on the existence of machines.
Globalization “says” we should not have many children, but women do this on their own (when they leave the countryside and go to the city they stop giving birth). We do not have to blame the dark forces. The world population will be reduced with mathematical precision when the entire planet is industrialized, and that is not far off.
Globalization offers us contaminated food, but we also fail to keep our Church's fasting. If we were to partake in fasting, we would also save money.
Instead of worrying about the government spying on us, it would be best to try to sin less.
If the globalists are so perverted and want to exterminate us, let God protect us from them through our prayers . If they are not stopped, it will mean that the Second Coming of the Lord is near, so the biological end of all will come.
Globalization implies that due to machines’ inability to distinguish tribes, genders and religions, all people must live in peace, so that production can not be impeded by the social unrest (which can be caused by religious disputes).
Muslims have to accept that the form of globalization they are dreaming of is not allowed to happen, simply because most people on the planet do not approve it. The type of globalization that prevailed is economic in nature, not religious, as would the Muslims want.
So our Muslim friends will either comply or will be punished. In order to join the globalized world, they must eliminate certain characteristics of their religion, and at the same time they should not try to imposed their political views on other people and nations or on their own countries.
This, of course, appears like castration to the Muslims who identify politics with their religion, which is why they are in conflict with their environment.
As time passed Muslims gradually lost out the power they had once, they would slowly understand that they would either socialize, or kill and be killed in bombings, inside or outside their states. Their isolation, however, is certain and began in September 2001.
People who live next to Muslims have a role in their socialization, because if they do not manage to help them fit in the society they themselves are at risk from Muslim fanatics.
As soon as peaceful Muslims outnumber the extremists implies "we are doing well". But because we do not know how long the  socialism of Muslims will take, it is best to stay safe.
Finally, as Orthodox Christians we would like a globalized Byzantine press, but unfortunately science and banks have developed in Western Europe.
We have the following data: 1). Modern societies spend a lot of energy on everyday life and would like to further increase the consumption of material goods. 2). Our planet, if all people lived as they live in Bangladesh would be able to feed 20 billion population. But if assuming all the inhabitants of the planet had the standard of living as in Switzerland, the planet  could feed only 600 million, according to UN studies.
Considering the aforementioned facts (to the extent that they are right), we can understand why austerity measures are imposed on people and nations. The managers’ objective of the world economy is obviously the reduction of global population, in order to meet the needs and exaggerated demands of the people. So  they tell us, if you want Swish living standard (unfortunately, not even the Orthodox Christians are excluded), we must impose aggressive austerity so marriage will not be easy and families with many children will be unsustainable.
Besides, it is noted that marriages are reduced when people from farmers (closed farming communities) become workers or employees, the number of children of the so-called nuclear family is also declining as opposed to the growing number of divorces.
Also, with uncontrolled and illegal immigration, wages are reduced and local workers or unemployed people with a certain level of education are being forced to migration and are not allowed to do manual work or to practice a occupation that does not correspond to their studies. This brings about the shuffling of nations and, and the homogeneity of the whole planet is progressing.
What can we do?
We can live ascetic, so that we can overcome the financial difficulties.
So, as always, the recipe of our Church is up to date:Fasting, prayer, a life close to the mysteries of Church.
In closed farming-stock-breeding societies, people were religious, almost everyone. Atheists were few, because the nature of man is to need God; for example, if God does not bring rain, everything is destroyed.
But when people went to the city because of the industrial revolution, things changed. Now it does not have to rain to eat bread. You  go to the bakery or supermarkets and buy it (with the money you make as an employee).
So, people are divided into two categories:
The “right” ones say "glory to God" we have bread to eat, without having fields, etc., while the “left” ones forgot that they came from the province, forgot how the bread is made (plowing, graying, charing, threshing , milling, kneading, etc.) and all they do is complain and demand for more money.
The “right” ones remember the past, the nation's history, the heroes, while the “left” ones have their own heroes, the heroes of the proletariat that they gave their lives so the workers had more bread.
Τhe people of the right parties originate from farms, family, language, religion etc., while for the left party is his apartment, his job, his friends. (Today, given that 4% of the population is farmers, what conclusion do we draw for the future of nationalism?).
In the past the money was issued by the governments, so the left parties have been striking, protesting, etc., and now the money is given by the banks  (What is the future of the left parties?).
Conclusion: right-wing and left wing parties have to  think wisely, because the economy is now global and those who manage it cannot be seen. As Orthodox Christians we will "fight" until the time of sealing comes, when the  living Christians will be revealed.
We may be nostalgic for the past (those who were fortunate enough to be born in a village) and beautify it, but lets  see some of the advantages of modern life:
1. Without being in touch with nature (we do not plow, do not sow, do not milk etc.), we eat bread, meat, fish, eggs and drink milk, wine, etc. (and we take it for granted that will always be available on supermarket shelves ). So, thanks to science, a few farmers and livestock breeders, about 4% of the population in the developed countries, are able feed 100% of the population. God through science fulfills the demand of all humanity for food (unfortunately, there are also the exceptions of the homeless, the poor etc. but they also have the sympathies, bonuses etc. benefits).
2. There is no child mortality like there was in the past, nor do people die of appendicitis or malaria today (in the developed countries).
3. We have running clean water in the house, electricity, washing machines, refrigerators, etc. and life has become far more luxurious.
4. we have more opportunities to educate and increase our knowledge.
5. We do not suffer from hunger as in the past, the wars, the epidemics.
6. The free time devoted to our spiritual practice has  increased.
If we live  an ascetic life, we are not different in  anything of the Christians of old times. It is up to us to use the benefits of the technology for the sake of our bodies and our souls.
Farmers-breeders are right because they feed us, they actually produce the food, but ... globalization says: "we do not need you, we can bring farm products from any other state."
So, farmers became entrepreneurs. The small farmers are "done" and those who are left work for the Bank. Of course, farmers can survive, but they have to live a tough ife.
Substantiated (or Nominal) Adjectives are those which, while previously used together with a noun, in our  language today, the noun is omitted and the adjective acts as a noun eg. We said, "I'll get the morning drink," and today we say, "I'll get breakfast," before we said, "the rich man," today we call them "rich." http://sainia.gr/2012-09-10-12-05-21/ta-mathimata-mou/glossa-e/grammatiki/781-epitheta
Our ancient ancestors used to say the fields of my father, my grandfather, my great grandfather, etc.), and the  word land slowly became the word "homeland" or “country”.
Today, given that fewer than 10% of Greeks live from their land, what is the meaning of the word "country"?
We can divide all people into three groups: farmers, workers and employees.
In order to live, we mainly need the farmer's products and secondly the worker and the employee.
The Bank issues money and distributes it to people to buy the farmer's products and the services of the worker and the employee.
Science has made it possible to increase agricultural products, so the Bank can issue more money, distribute it to people, and so increase the flow of money and the world population.
For someone to posses money to pay his for living cost, he has got to obey the Bank's rules.
What does the Bank ask for: 1. To have a job, 2. If he is unemployed to receive unemployment benefits while searching for a job, 3. If finding a job is proved impossible for reasons such as old age or health issues, he must be funded by other means, i.e. a pension scheme, family support, or other type of benefits.
Conclusion: Everything that happens in our country and across the globe is interpreted by the above as the norm.

The answer in brief: Credit, for great part in history, is nothing more than maintaining a balance between areas of redundancy of goods or money and areas that are deprived of them. Through credit, goods or money flow from the redundancy margin to the scarcity. Credit is therefore closely linked to trade and is essentially a derivative of commerce .... The bank authority is therefore closely associated with the trade of which it has been an assistant and a servant. At the same time, however, another feature of the banking system emerges from its beginning: the lending of rulers and states. (http://eparistera.blogspot.com/2011/04/1.html#ixzz40AeuUrGt). THAT IS, BECAUSE THE BANKS HAD GOODS (WHAT PEOPLE NEED TO LIVE)  THIS ENABLED THEM TO ISSUE MONEY AND BECOME A SEPERATE STATE INSIDE THE STATE, AND IN THE END TO REPLACE THE STATE IN ISSUING AND CIRCULATING OF MONEY!

Should we fear the Muslims?
The answer is "no" on the grounds that the money is being issued by the Banks, for the Muslim farmers have no power (except to childbirth), since  Muslim workers are living like the rest of the people with known financial deprivations,. So Muslim troublemakers are accused for antisocial behaviour rather than religious extremism, they have no military power so the weapons  are provided to the jihadists by the West, since the Muslim leaders are secret agents of the West, in conjunction the Muslim women in Europe and the urban centres in general, do not give as many births as in rural areas, hence soon they will come to  a balance. So, as they have no power to exercise over their own countries, how will they exercise power over other states and the rest of the world (as their fanatics dream)?

When the Bank lends money to anyone, surely it expects it  back. But why would it lend to political parties?
Every party  is temporary with uncertain future. A party can have the majority of votes one day, and next day drop to 4%. How will the Bank get its money back?
So, the Bank gets back its money by betting on whether a party is in power? When a party is not in power, how does it  pay off its debt? Is it legitimate for the Bank to request that money back only when the party is in power? Does it make any sense ?
Is it reasonable for the Bank to finance a group of people simply because they represent a percentage of voters?
What is the definition of the party according to E. Roidis: "A political party is a group of people, capable of reading and writing, while having their legs and hands competent, but they hate every kind of work and prefer to unite under a leader, seeking to bring him to the office of the prime minister by all means, for him to provide them with the means to live without working”
Conclusion: The Banks rule, not governments. The funding mechanisms of the whole political spectrum ensures access to the power only to people trusted in the global economy.

For the past 40 years, the standard of living of the Greeks has risen sharply. The salary of a teacher in the 1970s was about 100 euros. In the 90's it was 600 euros while now 1,000 euros. A teacher in the ‘60s would cycle to work, in the ‘70's would have a car and today has a computer, smart phone, home, and so on.
During the 1980s, a lot of money became “available " in Greece. The Greek people had to celebrate after we got into the EEC. Already the big states had stopped printing their national currencies and started borrowing from banks, which are private institutions, just like the rating agencies. This is what the Greek governments also did for the last 30 years (money was being avaiable, so they took it).
Sadly, its human nature to want to be comfortable. When the cash flows and fills your pockets, what are you going to do? Of course wise men, even if they do not read the Bible, know to not overextend so they do not have problems later ...
Even from the nineties our lenders had started claiming back the money they had lent us. Isn’t it logical? And when you get a loan from the bank do not you mortgage your farm, your house, etc.? This was done with the Greek state too. In return, however, they allow us to extract the oil that exists in our country and its existence is known since the 1960s. Also, today Greeks who migrate abroad are university and technical  institutes graduates, while in the 1960s they were farmers and livestock breeders (illiterate).
Previously (until the 80's!), with 30 acres of land a large family could survive. Today for a farmer to live  he must cultivate 500 acres of farmland and he’ll still be in debt to the bank.
(today they are 10% of the Greeks, while they were 80% in the past) due to the mechanization of modern agriculture not many farmers are needed nowadays. Most Greeks are workers and employees (public and private).
This is the  big TRANSFORMATION. The Greeks, who until 1970s were farmers and stock breeders, become petty city peasants.
Adding the fact that the Greeks show low birth rate, foreigners come to our lands to cover the gap. Is not it logical? "Even if you consider the crisis?". Statistics and history show that when a woman leaves the fields to go to live in a town, she stops giving birth.
Of course, the problem is also spiritual! But, as we have said above, anyone who follows the ways of Church (or even common sense, conscience, the experience of older generations, etc.) is saved from the cascades and faces more effectively (through fasting, prayer, mystical life) the problems of life.

If we wanted to blame on something, and not blame it to the misuse of our freedom, most of the problems or predicaments that we are experiencing today are due to machines, to technological culture!
Here is a rough table that explains almost everything that modern people are concerned with:
The machines are to blame for:
1. abandoning the countryside
2. the growth of city dwellers
3. having fewer children
4. relaxation of our moral values
5. the emphasis on rationalization and scientific knowledge alongside the developing of the notion that God is not needed
6. the spread of Marxism, Freudism, Nichisimus
7. taking people away from the Church
8. family problems (absence of mother due to work, child behavior, absence of father due to work or divorce, etc.)
9. delaying a family creation
10. increase in divorce rates
11. class hatred (the poor hate or envy the rich and are always asking for more money)
12. the deification of the state, parties and leaders
13. Lack of loyalty to the nation, language, traditions, history
14. atheism (agnosticism, materialism, syncretism, satanism, sects)
15. mental problems
16. physical illness ( i.e. heart, cancer, stroke)
17. the lack of meaning of life
18. automobile accidents, and accidents in general 
19. chasing money and seek for pleasure
20. the illusion that once we have a home, work and access to the supermarket, we are self-sufficient and we do not need nature and God
21. loneliness, drugs, suicide
22. immigration and racism
23. mixed marriages (with foreigners and people of different religions )
24. the creation of a global economy, and through this, the obliquity of national governments
25. the creation of artificial economic crises with the purpose of stirring nations and people, controlling people's way of thinking and living and turning them into beings who, if they do not work, have no reason to exist
26. the merging of national states into large unions eg. European union and even further  the union of all the states
27. the abolition of thought, since  through television the public is directed as a robot
28. for people to be treated by supporters of globalization as machinery or flesh and not as God’s creatures
What can we do? Biology says that the organism that does not adapt, is eliminated, so we must pray, fast, confess and communicate the Body and the Heart of the Lord. So we will fight. So we will survive, so we will go towards enlightenment.
In the last few years we are bombarded  with a lie: "We have lent you money, you borrowed money and you have got to pay back." This is not true. Previously, for example, for the Greek state to be founded, we borrowed money from the banks of England, but today it does not apply.
As far as Greece is concerned since 1975, we joined the club of the borrowers from the World Bank. Since the 1970s, the Bank has issued money and distributed it to the states.
In the beginning, along with the state's  currency, the drachma, money was lent to the country. Today, with the euro currency it’s possible for local mints to issue money, but the Bank determines how much money will circulate in each state. We have a global economy, but we do not currently have a global government.
This paradox, that the Bank issues the money and distributes it to the states, (practically) no analyst, commentator, journalist, politician does not analyze it. Since the Bankers have succeeded and were given power from the state to issue money and lend it to the states, it means we entered into a one-way street of Globalization, and it is futile to try to return, for example, to drachma. The global community will come after it and  crush it.
The current global financial system has deep roots. It starts from the Middle Ages in Western Europe and today we see the results. It has its positive side, let's be frank . National wars stopped and nations are no longer governed by generals, kings and prime ministers, but by SCIENTISTS AND BANKS.
Definition of the word "nation" means people that are united under the same customs.
Herodotus says that "nation" is a set of people who have same blood, speak the same language, have the same religion and same customs.
Nowadays, in  the time of globalization do all of the above hold?
As far as blood goes, we are all descendants of Adam. It is therefore right for those who speak of the superiority of their blood to be called racists.
Language is a very important factor in determining the nation to which a person belongs, but a worker or an employee when he / she migrates learns another language and somehow participates in more than one nation.
Religions tend to unite, but many do not  believe in a religion or fight the religious people.
Most customs are similar to developed nations. The worker and the employee go to work, return home, spend their free time in the same way. We are homogenized.
Nation-states are also united, e.g. United Europe, so all the inhabitants of the earth will slowly become citizens of one state.
Finally, in Paradise there will be no nations, so as Orthodox Christians we must not be fanatical about these issues. Our campaign must be focusing around our Church and our language.
By taking advantage the prohibition of lending money with interest, a ban imposed by the Church on Christians, by marking the act as anti-Christian, the Jews dominated in the area. They have emerged as dominant players in the usury game. They get richer in the one hand , and on the other hand enslave the rest of Europe with the interest. http://filosofia-erevna.blogspot.gr/2013/05/blog-post_31.html
Like the Communists in the past,  jihadists are the instruments of the BANK to "get" what they want.
Globalization forced the Communists to strike and shut down Greek companies (in 70’s and 80’s). Multinational corporations took their place. The Communists were happy for their achievements.
Likewise, the fanatical Islamists, while killing their own religious people (and not only), think they are doing sacred work! Naturally, sooner or later, the globalization will put them aside (such is the case with Laden), after using them to level  the Middle East to the ground.
The “leveling down” that globalization wants to be achieved, needs people who will be dignified instruments after a fierce brainwash.
Today's bogeyman is not the Communists but the Jihadists, while their instruments previously, are now presented as enemies, and even though they finance and educate them, they still present them to us as enemies of the system.
Communists can be avoided if we are poor and Jihadists if we are close to the Church.
It says somewhere in an old book: The devil, when he persuades you to commit sin, covers you in a sheet. "Don’t be afraid," he says, "No one sees you". But if you do that sin and  some time passes, he then takes a trumpet, climbs a tower and shouts to reveal it.
This is the case with politicians and the Banks. It gives them some money (legally, illegally, informally, directly, indirectly etc.) and assures them that no one will ever know anything, that their party will be in power or that they will still be in power even if their party loses the elections or that they will send them abroad or that their money will be in a safe place either within the country or abroad.
But in this world nothing is stable, everything changes and the interests of the Banks are changing and fashion is changing and others are doing better and when someone becomes dangerous they have to get him of the way.
When, therefore, the Banks carry out their work with the affiliated politicians, and they have to replace them, they open the drawer and reveal to a journalist, for example. a moral or economic scandal of a particular minister. Citizens get angry when they see on the TV the "immoral, thief, lame, incompetent, etc." politician and while they considered him worthy and good until yesterday, they now want his punishment. And, of course, the elections are not far away. "He's going to be afraid."
The best case scenario is to face a defeat in the elections, or even convicted with a jail sentence for a few or more years or lifetime, and another to be killed for treason.
Then the Bank will be looking for another capable politician, patriot, moral, militant, honest, etc., and quickly assigns him the role  for the next five to ten years (the contract goes on into perpetuity).
Of course, not all politicians are punished for what they did or didn’t do. If that was the case , who would be involved in politics? The scape goat is one or a few, but never too many at the once. There are also smart politicians who remind you that in ancient Sparta to stealing was not immoral, but they would still punished you if caught. Besides, as  analyzed above, there are no thieves, but the Bank which issues money and distributes it to states and individuals also supplies a sum of money needed for politicians to do their job, since politicians are in between the Bank and the public they must be rewarded. But anyone who accepts money from “globalizers” is like selling their soul to them, and he is  dependant on them for life. Something like “the seal of the "Messiah" of the globalized.
We should not, therefore, envy the politicians who are getting rich by their profession, because the fear they have of been  discovered is spoiling everything. They lose their sleep and are always in stress. So, such money and glory are not worthy.
The right-wing ones say: "country, religion, family" and the left-wing ones say: "bread, education, freedom".
The Orthodox say: yes, but...
That means, the homeland is good, but there is also something better, the heaven. We are passersby, we must prepare for the heavenly.
Religion is good but it is a human construct. The Church is not a human construct but  Divine, it is the “ark” of our salvation.
The family is good too, God said: "grow up and multiply," but there is also monasticism that is superior. Whoever can, of course, and wants, because the path is difficult, but it leads  to holiness quicker.
Bread is good but only to keep you alive.  envy those who have more is forbidden. Also forbidden is the acquisition of more material goods as a life skope (through ideology or capitalism).
Education is good, but the gospel is beneficial. Unholy teachings destroy human beings. They turn them into a machine looking to satisfy its passions.
Freedom is good (from the obligations of, for example, the family?) But inner freedom from passions is what has the most value of. The apostle Paul was even free in prison, because he was connected to Christ.
Prior to the Industrial Revolution, people followed their leader (emperor, king, tsar, etc.) against the enemies of the state, external and internal.
For the past 200 years, elections have taken place and parties are addressing the people, like a fruit market seller: "Vote for us, we have better watermelons," and the enemies are our fellow human beings who think a little differently from us.
The key difference is the distinction between right-wing and left-wing and in a final analysis "what is the position of God or religion in the society we want".
If we look at  the questionnaires that some websites make to help us choose the party that suits us, we will see that only the questions about abortions and homosexuals make it possible for the right-wing to stand out from the left-wing.
The fact that fanaticism has stopped  in elections is a good thing. It means that the big problems have been solved. From now on, "they are all the same," politicians are actors who play their part and try to "catch the ladle" and share the money of the Banks with something to gain(apart from glory).
And the party's timeless definition according to E. Roidis: "A political party is a group of people, capable of reading and writing, while having their legs and hands competent, but they hate every kind of work and prefer to unite under a leader, seeking to bring him to the office of the prime minister by all means, for him to provide them with the means to live without working "
THE LEFT PARTIES say: "Beloyiannis had said in his trial, faced with the death penalty, that the left-wing people who believe that the end of life is finally definitive and that there is nothing beyond it, they have a distinct morality because they sacrifice their lives without expecting anything but to offer themselves as the ultimate sacrifice for the benefit of society and especially of the weak. " http://aktines.blogspot.gr/2015/09/blog-post_66.html#more
Every state has its own anti-state, said someone in the 1980s. Thus, with few bullets, "fear keeps the ballast" and controls the masses. There has always been a conflict between right and left. Today, with the financial crisis, the "right" has raised its head, but the globalists know that any action has an equal reaction. One murdered from the left, two from the right. And right-wingers immediately soften. Nationalism must pass through the closet of history. People and different nations have to mixe up. This is what globalization aims.
A left-wing murder organization has been killing for about thirty years. Of course, they knew who they were, but they made it public when it was the right time. Today, others grew in its place, with the only difference in the name. The right-wingers have been "singing" for a short time, but now they have put them in jail  because no one can act violently in the name of the nation, except in the name of the people.
Nationalism ended because people from farmers and stock breeders became workers and employees. Violence is allowed only by the left. They are the good guys of globalization. All the others will slowly  be silenced.
In an old book says somewhere,that the Devil, when someone does something bad, in the beginning, he covers him with a sheet, but later he draws the sheet and the infringer is revealed., and] similarly in our case. Those who have control over the global economy supply weapons, ammunition and everything else they need and tell them use them for a good purpose". If the circumstances change or, for tactical reasons, they are handed over to the police.
For the right-wing people the passage from “Sofia Sirach” is perfect fit, 20.4: "the one who enforces righteousness by violence, looks like a eunuch that tries to take the virginity of a young girl." They also have to keep in mind that people in the payroll always depend on the state. But the state depends on the banks, so the state will favor the left-wing, and, as aforementioned, comes in second place and the people "dominate".
Syndicalists, or Trade unionists otherwise Communists) are instruments  of the Bank. After the Industrial Revolution the money had to be concentrated in the vaults  of the Banks, in order the system to work better without the obstacles of the kings, the landlords and the Church. everyone had to work for the Bank.
Thus the Bank gave arms and money to worker leaders and their task was to impose equality. Why rich or poor have to exist?
Today, after the "red circle" has closed, the Bank does not have much need for the  trade unionism because the system works by itself. We have a global economy that will slowly become a global government. The system is bank-communnism regime.
However, trade unionist remains continue to exist but as a decorative element of the constitution.
The first military use of gunpowder in Europe was reported by the English in 1346 in the Battle of Kreys, although the first guns seem to have been known in 1326, according to their earlier imagery. But quickly, the invention of the gun changed the form of war so far, and as a result the use of gunpowder is a very important step in the evolution of weapons. http://el.wikipedia.org/
Reading the above information we can think the following about the evolution of the history of Orthodox Greeks (or Romans):
Since  science was developed in Western Europe, it was natural, that Byzantium (the Eastern Roman Empire, Romania) at some point would be  subjugated to the developed Western technology states. This was done in 1204 with the fall of Constantinople by the Crusaders. The intermediate stage until the Turks conquered it in 1453 is characterized by a search if we should turn to the West for help or accept  the Turks. Turkish rule prevailed, but nevertheless helped keep our Orthodox Faith.
If the Papists helped us to repel the Turks, this would mean subordination to the Pope and our humanitarianism. But isn’t it  the case today through the European Union?
If we did not form the rebellion in 1821 but helped the Ottoman State in its wars against the Heretics Western Christians, who tells us that the developed Western Europeans would not defeat our common state with the Muslims? Besides, this outcome tells us that the Ottoman Empire actually "split in pieces" because it was in the interest of  the industrialized nations of the West. But wouldn't the cohabitation with the Muslim Turks for so long (beyond 400 years of slavery) put in danger our Orthodox Faith and our language? If we remember the Young Turks, we will understand the risk , since the language of the state would be Turkish and mixed marriages would slowly play a catalytic role in religious matters, as it tends to be today.
Conclusion: either with the Pope or with the Turks our destiny was to lose our  freedom. The Byzantium is over and now we are expected as Orthodox Christians to live together with alienated people from other religions. Our resistance lies in keeping our Orthodox Faith. The "fashion" of the nation-state has ended, the closed farming-breeding societies have given their place to the petty city societies. Every time period has its positive and negative aspects.
People have always been asking God for food, as much as possible. God allowed it to happen, and the scientists, two hundred years ago, invented the machines.
Machines brought unemployment, increased divorces, reduced birth rates. The machines determine how many people will live in one place, since they determine the jobs. The unemployed will either change their place of residence to find a job or survive with the unemployment benefit.
Then came the Bankers. Banks (no longer the states) issue the currencies. Those who manage the global economy know who will win that war or who will win in those elections, since they channeled the money wherever they wanted, according to their plans.
Third but not least, the  politicians. They are called upon to pass the various reforms on people and nations. What we seam to be forgetting is that politicians are a continuation of each other implying all of them are pretty much puppets in the hands of the world economy leaders.
We, as Orthodox Christians, have a duty to vote for candidates who are close to the Church, because in the Church we see people's faces rather than stock market indexes, or the production rate of goods assembly line. This will make the system humane and we will resist to the upcoming flood of globalization.
Greece is sold! We are guests in our land. Greek national expenditure is estimated 50 billion a year while the revenue is lower. Therefore, when they tell us to mortgage state property valued at  50 billion, it's like telling us: we bought you now, Greece is a plot that we exploit and we'll give you the money you’ll need to live. Next day they will tell us the same again. Again, mortgage the state property in order for cash to flow in the  country!
Here is the proof that the World Bank issues the money and distributes it to the states!
But there is some good out of globalization. Now that we will be guests , we will not worry of external enemies. After the plot has been sold, it will be of interest to the owners, that is to say the Europeans, that is to say the globalization.
Most people will classify politicians as "good" or "bad guys" according to each one's perspective. Right-winged people denote left winged as traitors  and left winged believe that right-wing politicians are instruments of foreigners. We can extend this, but we will see all the political rulers of our country based on the view of food, so everyone will be good!
Nowadays we are ruled by the "left", but we have not a lack of freedom, as we have previously read about the Communist states. The supermarkets are open, the  income of Greeks is in a good place among the 200 states of the planet and the prospects seem good.
Previously the "center-right" ruled, which managed to get us out of the predicament of the loans, from the IMF's ditching, and our country did not exit Europe and life goes on.
The "center-left" (1981-2010, with some gaps) ruled  before that, when the Greeks learned how to borrow, to manage the money, to buy consumer goods, to live and think with the average European mentality.
Previously, Karamanlis's seven-year period, which was marked by increased liberties, casual income rose, imports grew.
During the dictatorship (‘’junta’’), even though freedom as we know it today was restricted, “bread” was available , there were jobs, the drachma was worth a lot, the people were building houses, the cities grew,  water and electricity was available all of Greece.
in the period Before the dictatorship, (1950-1967) even though the Greeks were poorer than today, rural greece was very lively, most Greeks were farmers and stock-breeders and consumed pure products of Greek nature.
In the 1940s, things were difficult due to german occupation and warfare, but  the villagers were autonomous and lived by their own produce from their animals and their fields.
In the period 1922-1940 the Greeks were poor, but life was going on beautifully in closed farming societies while people of the cities were working in factories and services.
In the period 1912-1922 we had wars and disasters, but almost in the entire history of humanity there were wars and miseries. The Greeks were strong, so they withstood the wars and the hardships. Life in the province made them strong and resilient. modern Greeks weak.
In the period from 1830 to 1912 life in Greece was simple, close to nature, farmers and stock breeders were the majority and in the cities people read their newspaper, ate their food, they were poor but honest, they loved their nation and they wanted to see it grow better.
Today, watching the fanatism of the past (right-left, royal-Venizelists) is funny because in Greece only after 2010 we finally learned that the politicians were not ruling, but the Banks!
The money was going either to right-wing or left-wing in order to  satisfy all Greeks, religious and non-religious (after all this is the main difference between right and left).
In the future, food will continue to be available, so let us focus in improving our inner world, privending us of transforming ourselves into inferior, to our standard ,beings.
If we ask a Christian "why are you voting  for the center-right?", He will tell us, "who should I vote for? the atheists, the materialists? the obvious enemies of the Church? "
If we ask a Christian "why do you vote center-left?", He will answer, 'who will I vote for? the Masons? the hypocrites? the plutocrats? "
Certainly, there is no Christian party. What we can do is vote for candidates who are close to the Church, wherever we find them.
There is another part of Christians who does not vote for anyone. Anyway, the game is set. If the elections were supposed to change anything, they would abolish them (as the anarchists say). Those who manage the global economy are succeeding in directing things wherever they want. When e.g. we mount a donkey and we want to make it go to the left we hit it from the right and when we want to ride it to the right we hit it from the left.
Let’s go to victory. And let us not forget that "do not believe in lords, the sons of men are our  salvation".
Here goes:
1. The Bank issues the money and distributes it to individuals, states and parties (let's see how the millions of former large parties are going to be paid back.) It just does not have to take them back because all the money belongs to the  Bank and the parties are paid for the service they do to them, so they do not own the bank money).
2. Any party that has taken power must execute the Bank's plan within the months or years to come. People are getting tired of seeing the same prime minister for a long time. It is like fashion that changes every so often.
3. The differences between the parties are minimal. For some types, some parties are closer to national religious issues but in practice they play the game of globalization.
5. ANSWER: by habit or personal interests.
The word parade comes from the verb ‘παρελαυάνω’ (I'm parading, I'm running in front of someone). The parade takes place to honor the heroes of our homeland and to stimulate our national consciousness so that, if necessary, we can fight for ourselves, as our ancestors, against our enemies.
Today, however, with the rise of globalization, we have no external enemies. It is inconceivable to expect an attack by Albania or Skopje or Bulgaria. Globalization wants peace, for the money to flow around  and to make investments. The war is for states like Afghanistan, Syria.
Turkey is not in danger because it is heading for inclusion to Europe, because globalization is not only for us but also for our neighbors because a Greek-Turkish war isn’t  in favor of the Banks, because globalization does not want regional "troublemakers".
this brings us to conclusion that parades are now superfluous. They are a Carnival, for homosexuals and anyone else that is proud of what they are.
We, as Orthodox Christians, are boasting about our faith, we pride ourselves on nothing (pride is one of the greatest sins). As Greeks we boast about our Greek language, in which the Gospels were written, the Ecumenical Synods were praised and written by most of our saints in our Church.
These great things (faith and language) do not need parades for  show but to cultivate our inner world so that we truly and spiritually rejoice that we are Orthodox Christians and Greeks.
It appears that a number of migrant refugees will stay in Greece. Already 10% of our country's inhabitants are not Greeks.
What stance should we keep?
If we listen to some Metropolitans, we will come to the conclusion that "Muslims have no place in Orthodox Greece," so we will take a negative position.
But the view that says we need to help, Christ says “love each other”, will prevail.
 But as a question in a referendum, the first position will probably prevail. Though globalization is  planned in a way that whether or not a referendum took place, it doesn’t get affected.
If the Greeks were in the majority farmers-breeders, then they would think that a war is taking place to take over their fields. But workers and servants have different views.
As the state, so does the World Bank feed local workers and employees. So if they want, they feed anyone else they want, either they are local or foreign, either they have jobs or they are unemployed.
The Bank issues the money and distributes it wherever, whenever it wants. Governments are institutions of the Banks. Globalization wants homogeneity of the inhabitants of the earth, so naturally it is normal for immigrant refugees to settle in our country, (Muslims mainly in religion).
What we can and must do is keep our Faith and if we can, and to the extent that everyone can, pass it to our environment, which changes day by day ...
The ascetics of the Orthodox Church, with their lifestyle were and will be the best way to survive in this world.
In the past, in closed farming societies, things were simple. You had milk because you had a cow or sheep or goats. You had bread because you spiked, grown, threshed etc. wheat, barley, corn. You had meat because you had chickens, pigs, rabbits, etc. During the fasting periods of our Church, farmers along with fasting also saved some food, which was often few. Fasting, when it is not forced, accompanied by prayer and the mystic life of the Church, leads to the right attitude of life towards God, the world, the other people and ourselves.
Over the past 200 years, since machines emerged , things have changed. Nowadays a farmer using his machinery farms equal land formerly farmed by one hundred farmers. As a result, people abandon their villages and transfer to the city. In the city they work, they find jobs, in factories and services (public and private). With the money they earn, they go to the supermarket and buy milk, meat, bread, etc. without having direct involvement with nature, without being farmers.
But again the fasting, the prayer and the mystical life of our Church protect us from the mercenaries of capitalism. Example 1: At the end of the last decade of the last century the investing in stock market was in fashion . A good Christian could not get carried away and play in the gambling called the stock market, since the Church forbids lottery and what looks or is related to them. Hence, when the stock market burst and a million Greeks lost their savings, the Christians said from within them, "Glory to God, we did not fall into this trap". At the same time, unfortunately, many of our fellow citizens lost not only their economies but also other assets, some even  suicided.
Example 2: In the last 15 years the situation with loans got out of hand . The banks distributed money bills as if they were plain paper. But the bank demands interest and one day if the money is not paid back, confiscations will happen, etc. The proverb says "depending on our quilt to spread our legs". If my salary is one thousand euros, it is not reasonable to take a loan and have to pay every month five hundred euros instalment. Simple maths. Of course, what was not easy to predict was the I.M.F.(International Monetary Fund) "Even though my salary is 1,000 euros, how was I supposed  to know the state will reduce my salary? " Over the past fifty years, wages, slowly but steadily, are rising.
Now we examine  the role of the Jews. It is well known that the world economy is managed by the Jews. We do not know the tricks they make in the various economic circumstances, so we should be wary of the banks, since behind them are the Jews. We should not expect a lot from our politicians, because they are their instruments.
With these two examples, it seemed that when one listens to God and not to the people of this world, he wins. The best recipe to our survival is the ascetics’ life of our Church, and of course we also ascend spiritually, since the aim is not only to survive but also to become enlightened.
BEFORE THE MACHINES, THE FARMERS WERE THE MAJORITY OF THE RESIDENTS OF EACH STATE. They lived together with those they had gathered from the countryside who had sold some of their assets to purchase the products of the labourer, the technician, the merchant. LIFE WAS DIFFICULT, BUT PEOPLE WERE HAPPY. FROM THE TIME OF ADAM AND EVE TO RECENT YEARS, MOST  OF THE PEOPLE WERE FARMERS. Today, only 4% of Europeans are livestock breeders and farmers , the rest of the previous farmers and livestock breeders in Europe are entrepreneurs. EVERYONE IS IN DEBT TO THE BANK, COMPETITION IS GREAT AND INCREASING AND THEY ARE CALLED TO PRODUCE EVEN MORE THAN BEFORE SINCE THE PRICES OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS DROP!
How strong is hatred against the enemy! One suicides  just to kill his enemies! Also, how much influence can training  have when it is possible to persuade some to commit suicide for the sake of the ideals-idealists of their religion or political stance! we have our own examples ... for example. Sampson, Kugi,  Arkadi, etc.
As long as the states issued their money and distributed it to their nationals for the convenience of those who did not have direct access to the sheep, the lambs, the barns and the barley, the homosexuals were tolerant to abominable. In ancient  Greece, for example, Homosexuals had no political rights, and the Old Testament states that they had to be killed.
How  have we come up today to be possible for homosexuals to get married with permission from the state and adopt children ?!
The answer lies in the fact that the rich can and do more sins. What  Nero once did, now many homosexuals also do. Today there is much more money than in the old days and the individual way of life gives everyone the opportunity not only to do what they want but also to impose their views on society and the state. We have a war between abnormal and normal people. We will ascend spiritually or we will descend, there is no middle ground  in spiritual life.
The Bank issues money and distributes it to states, parties, private parties. Therefore, since it does not see us as persons "in the image of God" but as animals , it’s only natural  to take the part of homosexuals in the context of freedom, equality, etc. Why should it take the part of the Christian politicians and the Church who oppose these things? Besides, homosexuals resemble mules: only work, not reproduction. It is therefore beneficial for the system as it is also planned to reduce the world population.
As the Bank raises and lowers any party that wants to power, it means there is no power to politicians and even those who invoke God. God does not fit in the way of thinking and life of people who want to make sins, and sins are not stopped. Drugs over time need the dose increased  and carnal sins the same.
Conclusion: Do not expect the politicians (who are the instruments of the Banks) to be interested in stopping the moral collapse. "Save yourself", but because no one can be saved by himself, let's  go to the Church so God and our brothers can help us.
Psychiatrists and psychologists tell us that in our brain there is a substance, dopamine, which when things in our lives are good is in the right amount. The question is when things are good in a person's life? Our Church tells us that when man implements the commandments of God, God gives him everything he needs to go through his life and inherit the eternal life.
If we take only this life into account , we will see that whoever implements two commands from the first book of the Holy Bible, Genesis, manages to live well in this life. The first commandment is: "Eat the bread you produce with the sweat from your work " (Genesis 3:19) and the other is: "Increase and prosper" (Genesis 1:28).
When a person works, dopamine ΄΄works΄΄ well. With the money he gets, he nourishes himself and his family. So the concern of young people is to find a job they like and when they find it to improve continuously over it. So they will have good, functioning dopamine.
The other commandment says that man has to make a family. Within the marriage, the birth instinct is also satisfied, and dopamine works even better. So young people have to prepare themselves for marriage  and married people to take care of their marriage, so their dopamine will be in balance.
If a person does not do well with one of the two (work, satisfaction of the birth instinct), he may develop a psychological problems. If he does not do well in both then his situation is more likely a psychiatric condition or a of a good spiritual confessor.
There are, however, people who can not work or marry (or both) for various reasons without necessarily being mentally ill. They can offset their reduced dopamine with the spiritual joy of the Church's Mystical Life and prayer.
And of course the mystic life of our Church and prayer is not only for those who can not maintain  good dopamine levels but also for those who are involved. Besides, the purpose of our life is sainthood, not just to  live well.
We often hear from politicians addressing  Church people to say, "You Christians do not have to deal with politics." Also, bosses usually do not want workers and employees to discuss religious issues at  work.
But how can we remain silent, some Christians will say, when new laws are introduced that oppose what God is asking us to do? And how can we not talk about the unique Truth of our Church which is Christ?
Apostle Peter tells us that we must first discipline to God before to humans. If a law takes us away  from the Word of God, then we must not apply it. How do we keep our mouth shut? can we become divided personalities because Globalization wants it?
In his letter, Jacob says, "Show your faith through deeds " (James 2:18). This means that the practical proof of our faith has higher value, and not the "preaching" or the argumentation, to prove with reason what is unproved. First we must educate ourselves and then open our mouth to express opinion. Otherwise, we can hear from God "what right do you have to put my words in your mouth?"
Bearing in mind that money is issued by the Banks and distributed to states, political parties and individuals, we should not expect much from the State, the government and the parties. A proverb says, "where the dog eats, there it shakes its tail too". So, since money  is not in Orthodox Christian hands, why do we complain about the anti-Church laws that the politicians vote for every now and then? Every tree gives its fruit. What can we expect from governments when atheism and materialism are the foundations of the political-economic system of the past 200 years?
Also, the fact that the leaders were distanced from God and the Church is a sign that we are heading towards the end of this world. Our times are almost the same as when the early Christians lived in the Roman Empire. Even today, many Christians (predominantly from other doctrines) are killed by non-Catholics or by atheists or psychopaths possesed. The circle closes. The Church started from the Catacombs and we are slowly walking  there again , but in the end the glow of the trophy of glory will shine in the sky, the Cross of the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ.
Of course, we will not sit down with our hands crossed  when they ask us to take a decision on a subject that concerns our faith or related to morality. With whatever information  we have, we will confess to our Orthodoxy, we will recall what is right from an orthodox point of view to any particular ethical issue without having the illusion that we can change others. God will ask us if we have tried to save ourselves and not others.
Even for religious issues, we should not easily open up debates. Silence, prayer, inner peace, seeing things from the end (seeing things in the face of eternity) are of greater value. That is how we will really help others, not by taking part in a political faction or a theological view which is willing to accept different interpretations. If it is to fight  for that interpretation, we should not take place, act as we do not know, or as we do not have an opinion .
Also, in our days, we have technocracy and this frees us from politicians, trade unionists, parties, national wars, etc. Globalization also brings some good.
So, stay away from political and religious conversations, so we do not  lose our peace of mind, so that we do not fall into small talk and judgment,  so not to scatter what we have gathered with effort, attention and prayer.
On the occasion of the adage that says "one image a thousand words", we will comment (in 1000 words) the above picture, in which we see the Pope kissing the hand of a Hebrew!
Since the beginning of history, political power goes hand in hand with religious power. Initially, the political-military leader was the same as Nation's High Priest. Later the powers were divided, but the religious leader was respected by the King-Emperor-President, they often listened to him  and he could control the King of the State, and there was an affiliation, since the people of God were at the same time the citizens of the state.
Today we see that those who have control of the money, those who have been ruling from the background or from the foreground, have put the religious leaders aside, have completely subdued them, and this is very clear in the above picture! Already in our country we hear the separation of the Church from State, because this is what the Bankers order and because there is no reaction on our part. Previously the Commandments of the Church were also Laws of the State, and today the lawless laws of secular people have a duty to be served by the religious people!
We then hear about peace conferences that take place with the participation of religious leaders as well. Most Christians may not consider that the peace that Christ gives is the inner joy that Christ gives to those who practice in the Holy Spirit within the Church, and not the external peace of secular people, politicians and economists.
Globalization will bring in the end the “Messiah” of the Jews, namely the Antichrist, who will be both a political and a religious leader. One thing that will happen at the end is this, and we will see this when the voters cast the political leaders.
Instead of "Our Father[s] ... give us this day our daily bread", it was already heard "Father  Stalin, Give Us Food", which will look like the final "Big Brother, you are the god, you feed us, no one is your superior. "
Western Christians have succumbed to the ex-people of God and now to the people of Satan (the Zionists are the people of Satan not all of the Jews). They have confused the future of the Lord's coming with the coming-presence of the Messiah of the Jews, which globalizers are preparing in the process. They have confused the Kingdom of Heaven with earthly kingdoms, with glories, with delights and pleasures.
The money dominates, "the abomination of desolation" where it will stand "in a holy place", "the footsteps of Antichrist (as was said by the infamous Florinas Augustinos Kantiotis) are heard."
As Orthodox Christians we are called to confess, without fanaticism, our Faith, which is the only true one. We have no appetite to deal with the heretics, the Pope, the Antichrist, etc. But as the Doctor speaks not only for health but also for illness, so we, as Orthodox Christians, speak of the only Truth of which we are  shareholders, but we also have to speak against both heresies and 666, on the one hand, to make a confrontation of the Truth with falsehood and on the other to be vigilant so that they will not get us while we are asleep.
If the “marking” comes in our days, we must deny it, because we are marked with God, with the Holy Spirit, with the Cross of the Lord. These two can not be together.
Moreover, those who get marked with the 666, the name of Antichrist, will not do better than those who do not get sealed, because after a short period of time they will "spit out blood" from the "side effects" of the marking because of the physical and mental problems that will  be presented, since the Devil is a murderer and wants to bring evil to people.
Those who do not get marked will either survive with the help of God, or will account as Witnesses of Faith, equal to the Saints of the first centuries, who have martyred the persecution of the idolatrous Roman emperors.
Immediately after the decades of world domination of the Messiah of Jews, the second coming of the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ will happen (There is also the view that Christ will exterminate the Antichrist with a blow, that Orthodoxy will shine all over the world, then the people will retreat from Christ and the Church, and in the end, the second coming will occur).
Eschatology is a part of our Dogmatic Church, it is mentioned at the ending of the Dogmatics books and it is not very extensive, but it is very important, since our whole life is focused on tomorrow, since "tomorrow" Christ will come, "tomorrow" our death will come. Thus, either the Pride of Christ or our personal biological death precedes us, we will come face to face with our Creator, the Son and the Word of God, and we will be accountable for what we have said, done or thought about this life.
The next life does not start after death but It starts from this life. Some ask if there is a life after death, and it would be better if they asked if there is life before death, because if we are connected from this life with the leader of Life then we do not have to fear death, the Devil, the demons, and anything else a man can fear. If we are connected from now on with Christ we live before and after our biological death thanks to the love of God.
The great Russian writer Theodore Dostoevsky from the 19th century saw that people prefer food rather than spiritual freedom, or freedom from passions. So today we see in the above picture the religious leader called the Pope of Rome to bow down and kiss the hand of a Grand Jew and it is like saying, "Jesus I deny you, we prefer money, pleasure in this life."

The late Elder Sophronius of Essex says somewhere that, if all people were monks, then we would "force" God to bring the second coming to end this world.

Today, the system, by giving privileges to perverts shows that it is preparing for a reduction in the world's population – perverts do not give birth, they only work -. Later, when the world's population stabilizes, they will custom-made as many people as they need.
How long will God tolerate the degenerated humanity?


THE INFORMATION: The American Psychiatric Society, for the first time, does not include homosexuality in the list of mental illnesses.



Plato said that politicians must also be educators of the people. What all reasonable people constantly say, is that those who have offices in the state must be a good example to the citizens.

There are the Laws of God and the laws of men. It is best to apply the Laws of God, so we will not have to look for what we should and should not follow on the basis of human laws, which are constantly changing.

If the politicians ruled, then the protest of moral people would have a base  (not to say Christians, because ethics concerns all people, religious and non-religious) against the laws that are contrary to the Law of God, e.g. cohabitation agreement, homosexuality, etc.

Today, however, the Bank, considers us as animals and does not care about morality, but only for the money and its circulation. So, things are awkward. Politicians are [employees]servants of the Bank and it is impossible to do anything against its will!

The Bank puts on the same level a multi-child family and a homosexual. The marriage support is cut off and is given to the same-sex couples or gives both groups the same. This is absurd and unethical, but for the Bank there is no morality. For the Bank there is only survival. Whoever adapts survives. Besides, we also have the projected population decline.

Under these circumstances, the war between normal people and the sick will last for a long time. A winner will not exist, since we all share the same planet and we all sin. Those who have less sins will be able to control the transgressors of the Law of God, but the results, as History shows, will be insignificant. For example, Fr. Augustine Kantioti (the Florin) and other people of the Church have been struggling for decades to keep society in the right context. What was the result? ...

That is why we purify ourselves from the passions so that at least we can fight the demons hidden in the abominations (if we can not help them stop their sin) and God will help us until we leave this futile World. We did not make the world and we are called to save ourselves, not all our fellow men. Besides, the punishment of the sinners is that they do not live normally, that they are depriving the "legitimate goods" that the good God allows us.

Men may avoid condoms, like the devil avoids the incense, but according to a recent study conducted in a Journal of Sex Research, of the 25 questioned, sexually active, women aged 18-24, only 2 reported that it is important for them to systematically use a  condom.
Yeah, you  read correctly. Among the reasons they said, they  included the following!
Many of them believe that sex is much more enjoyable without a condom since both  come in direct contact without something to ... separate them!
Others have reported that they cause various irritations to the vagina and even urinary tract infection.
Some have argued that when the relationship is not ephemeral, the condom is not needed  because everyone knows the person next to them.
Finally, some have said that it is only necessary for the fertile days of the cycle, since in the rest of the days the  occurrence of a pregnancy is something rare.
COMMENTS ON THE ABOVE. A contradiction: from  day one everyone is bombarded (from kindergarten) to the necessity of condoms and on the other hand admit it is a nightmare for men and women!
And while everyone should  be in favor of marriage and monogamous relationships, they almost do what they can to degenerate the universe!
So, it is hell and not paradise ,the free love, which appeared only in the last 40-50 years in Greece.

Eating leads to sex and sex moves away from God:
St. John of the Scale says about Adam: If he had not been defeated from the belly, he would not have a fleshly relationship with his wife (CLIMAX, ,15th word, about ignorance).
Its God or sex! That is why the teenagers are removed from the Church, so there is the saying that "the woman is hidden behind every crime," that is why the Apostle Paul says that whoever marries will have "sadness in the flesh", similarly Saint Cosmas Aetolus says that the only purpose of sex must be childbirth, therefore the overwhelming majority of saints are not married, so Saint John of the Scale tells: 40. "Every sin, if it is committed by a man, it’s the bodies fault. If the body is lustful, then the body is in sin"(1 Cor. 18). This is certainly said because we infect our own body, which is impossible to coincide with another crime. I investigate the reasons we used to say, in order for any sin, only that people are wrong, when we hear that someone has been lustful, we say with sadness : that someone has fallen... 44. A cognitive person has posed a difficult problem to me. "What sin, he said, is heavier than all, except murder and denial"? And when I replied "to fall into heresy," he asked me again: "And how the Orthodox Church accepts the heretics, since after the sincere anathema of their heresy, they claim the Divine Exalting, while anyone who is lustful is only accepted after confessing and correcting it, but he is deprived  of the times of the Mysteries, according to the provisions of the Apostolic Rules"? And while I was amazed at the question, the unresolved problem remained unresolved. (About ignorance)

Homosexuality is difficult because these people are possessed by demons. Prostitution is close to nature and can be justified up to a point and even with marriage "restoring" the couple.
For someone to become homosexual, we must see his DNA, the environment in which he grew up and then we will be more restrained ... the demons are many and strong and childlike ...
If by our prayer and our example we can not help these people, we are amazed if we think we can do something by violence or "preaching".
We have forgotten that after the industrial revolution people are able to live on their own, independent in an apartment and with their own money to do whatever they want.
Globalization is not interested in the normal family. It is taxing the families with many children  and gives the money for the parades of the homosexuals.
So things are difficult.
We must purify ourselves from passions and have God to watch over us.
The state has ceased to be interested in "good morals"; the state sees us the same way a farmer sees his animals. If some people behave like this, Globalization does not care. The burden and responsibility is on everyone.
 Come on!

God gave us genitals for reproduction purpose. Any other use creates problems (big or small), even within marriage. Nowadays people only looking for pleasure but not responsibilities, and when the desires of the individual are not satisfied, they start looking for something else to be satisfied, and so the problems exacerbate.
Sacred Chrysostom says, "Has your son been 17 years old? send him to Marry in order for him not to go to prostitutes. " This was normal, early marriages in closed farming societies. The bride did not have many demands. One more plate on the table and the job was ready at home or in the field or at the animals. (today, to marry, one has to study, find job, “live” his life and then we see,. How can people stay away from prostitutes?" Only those who live as monks in the world with the help of their spiritual guide can do it. Unfortunately, science created the machines, and people left the farms and went off to the cities, in flat housing, work in factories and services, and that dragged them away from the joy of life close to nature, so why  get married? Since they can have the pleasure apart from childbirth and the burdens of marriage why marry early? In everything, though, there is a price. The biology sets limits on childbearing, and disease, mental and physical, that accompany adultery and prostitution are many).
Sacred Chrysostom says pleasure is like bait. Who would be married if there was no pleasure in the union of man and woman? Thus, marriage was a matter not only of the individual but also of society. With the wedding, the young man and woman are satisfied from a biological point of view as well as from a social one. And society "feels safe" because the children that will be born will be secured within the family (not nuclear but wider) and the fields will continue to be cultivated and life will continue. (currently only 4% of people deal with agriculture.) Nowadays It is easier to become an astronaut than to farm the land, because with machinery and fertilizers, a farmer cultivates the fields that previously cultivated 100 farmers. The rest  99 are not required.
The parent and the groom assumed that the bride would be a virgin, otherwise there would be a problem with "which children we look at". Of course, the Church reminded God's will on this issue.
Precautions were not taken by the couple, and as many children were born, they were welcomed. Besides, the early children were employed in the fields and cared for the animals and "ate their bread with the sweat of their face". (today women have their own jobs, there is a financial crisis, there are not many children in the household and so the couple is taking precautions, which has the effect of increasing the temptations.) Since they  take precautions why not go further? Since they are all stressed, why not relax somewhere else? Then, the comparisons with others introduce, old loved ones and the list goes on….).
Divorces were rare not only because it was forbidden by the Church but also for practical reasons. Where will the woman go if she deserts her husband? So she stayed patiently, and love overcame  any problems. Today the woman has her own money, so separation is something very easy. People want to live an eternal adolescence, without many responsibilities and with all the rights they can be entitled.
People were happier because they lived by nature. Of course, it was not all perfect, since they were not free from the original sin. But they were humble and they’d forgive each other more readily and were more attached to one another, not only because of the Church but also because of the circumstances that required mutual support. (today there is individualism, and that is what helps the socio-economic environment. But man is a social being, and it is better for those who have friends - family, children - not the lone guys).
What is the treatment of these problems, given that it is utopian to return to closed farming-farming societies? The treatment is in the life of the Church. The human face is preserved in the Church, there is the prospect of the eternal future, there is the prayer and the mystical life that unites us with God and our fellow man, there is the responsibility of each of us towards God, our fellow man, ourselves and nature -that comes from the freedom of the person- there is the spiritual joy and not the pleasures  which are followed by the pains- there is the meaning of our existence that brings harmony inside and outside of us there is the truth about what we are concerned about , and gives us strength to face marriage and its problems effectively, always with the help of Christ and His Saints. Amen.

If the globalizers were Orthodox Christians, then:
- There would be no unemployment, because most women would stay in their households  and jobs would be shared equally.
- The money to be circulated would be minimal, since the agricultural products are cheap and the luxury goods (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, entertainment, etc.) would be limited. Workers and employees would live peacefully, having a job and family secured, the environment would not be polluted and most people would live in self-sufficient villages.
- Marriages would hardly dissolve, because  women with many kids do not divorce their husbands (with so many children they do not have the desire for superstitious love). There would be no old-age homes and orphanage, because it would not have been necessary, since the family would work properly. No aphrodisiac diseases would have existed, since everyone would have only his wife.
- Would not be Wars since everyone would be members of the Church and the state would be one across the globe.
- Instead of penitentiary in prisons , it would become catechism in connection with life, for example, in Monastery.
- The life of the Church would take the place of all those who have a relationship with culture, social events, excursions, etc. Besides, the culture that accompanies the Church is superior from any opinion.
- Education would have a connection with the teaching of the Church and would be related to the needs of society.
- Everyone would obey their Spiritual Guides, who would show them the way of exercise and holiness.
- The problem of overpopulation would not exist, because everyone would live ascetic, so the planet could feed more, billions more. Monasticism would also be in blossom, and the Monks would be the standard type of people.
- Death would be dealt in a Christian way and all would live with the anticipation of the Second Coming of Christ.

Act. 17:26 And he made by blood every nation of men that inhibits the Earth and he founded the limits of their lands and determined their time.
And he made from the blood of the first people all the nations of the world to inhibit the Earth. And he defined for every nation the time they would appear and disappear as well as the borders of their lands(Translation by Trembela)
He made from the same blood all  the nations of men, to live on the face of the earth and appointed to each one of them the time they would live, as well as the borders of their homes . (Translation by Kolitsara)
From one person God created every human nation to live on the whole earth having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands.

Until 1800, people in all nations in their overwhelming majority were farmers and livestock farmers. From 1800 onwards in industrialized countries, workers and servants have increased. The machines had the first to say in this. Today in developed countries only 4% of the population are farmers.
With the globalized economy, the geometric growth of farm-livestock production, the concentration of people in the cities, the opportunity is given to everyone to talk about peace.
States no longer have reasons to fight each other except a few “expectations”.
The Bank distributes the money to the states provided they comply with modern regulations (abolition of borders, abolition of monetar states, change in history reading, suppression of sovereign religion, obfuscation of individual rights, etc.).
Since there is food sufficiency, and also it does not require a large number of farmers, most of the inhabitants of the earth can spend time talking about irrelevant matters, their personal relationships, common points between religions, ideologies, traditions, for the future of humanity, how we would spend our time pleasantly.
So, before we throw the stone of the anathema to Ecumenists, let us take the above into account in order to reason their attitude.
 Of course, it is right that we are "next to the holy Father" in the present time, so that, if possible, we can turn all the people into the (Orthodox) Church, as did the early Christians in the Roman Empire.

To discuss whether or not the evolution theory holds true is not of great value, since  we will eventually arrive at Chemistry, through which (according to Darwin's followers) the inorganic components of the universe were combined and the first unicellular organism was created, from  which according to the evolutionists, all the organisms on earth came from.
But Chemistry does not suffice in itself, because the point is, how were  the inorganic ingredients found, which were joined together?
So the "problem" of evolutionists and chemists is ontology. That mean, the reason for "what is there".
Continue here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYemlZ-W7n4

(Don’t give me either poverty or wealth,give me just the food I need. Or I will be full and deny you,and say"Who is the LORD?")
As long as the slogan "nation, religion, family," prevailed, from the creation of the world until the 70's , there was poverty, but this blessed poverty also brought out the Saints, made heroes, made generous family leaders, honored, ethical people.
Since the slogan "bread, education, freedom" came out, everything was leveled down, everything has been flattened. People were transformed into consumer beings. Values ​​fainted. The families were dissolved. Man is treated not as a "an image  of God" but as an individual unit. The purpose of life is not sainthood but goodness.
How much power does the food have!
That is why we are urged to fast, regardless of how much money we have. The lovers and the sick do not want much food. So the monks and those who love God, either by love or because they constantly remember their sick human nature, have no appetite for much food but eat only as much is needed to live.
Prayer also becomes “food”, and many material goods become an obstruction to spiritual joy and completion.
Let us therefore live ascetically in order to be able to preserve our humanity and our spirituality.

Many interpretations are given about "who is at fault?" Here we will make a reference to food, and how it influences people's lives.
The excessive  food removes the people from the Church: "If I can eat steaks every day, why should I fast? Why should I go to Church for Holy communion ? "
The food is a parameter that  influences the percentages of the extreme political parties (right and left): "Since there is food available for me, why do I need to participate in struggles  to increase food?" "Since there is food for me, why live a “military” life?"
More  food makes people tolerant: "Since there is food for everyone , why don’t we want strangers, different, idiots, etc.?"
An excess  of food makes us  move[s] away from the polls: "Since there is food, and all the politicians on top of it apply the same policy (of the BANK), why should I participate in the elections?"
More food gives the opportunity for people to marry  on their own: "Having money, free time and being young, why don’t we  marry on our own, and not have premarital relationships?"
Enough food brings peace: "Since there is food, why fight for national and religious issues?".
More  food brings the abhorrence but also the choice of the company: "Since there is food, why is it necessary to get  well with everyone?"
Anyone can continue the list ...
What we can and must do is keep the good points of the issue but at the same time live ascetics to share the beautiful things of this life so that we do not become inhumane and subhuman.

In closed agriculture-farming societies, the Priests  did not receive a state salary. They were farmers or stock-breeders as their fellow-villagers and for some of their services they were paid in products (egg, wheat, etc.)
Later, when the money appeared in the villages, they also received some coinage or currency from the few that were circulating. In cities the money was more and circulated for a long time.
In our days the left-wing voters, mainly supporters, complain about the pay of the Clerics by the State. (Obviously they think that the Cleric do not need money because they have no stomach but are ethereal , as Angels).
It is not inconceivable that the wages of the priests should be borne by the Church, if the state gives the Church the right to be active in the economy. (Of course, then it is possible to increase the taxation on the economic activities of the Church, so we will again have "war").
Finally, when the money has been abolished and the transactions are done with cards or chips, the Clergy (if the Church can not give them money) will either have to  have a secondary profession to live or take money from the faithful (if allowed) via e-banking.

If we take a look at  history, people's way of life, centuries-old regimes, and the emergence of machines over the last 200 years, we can have some thoughts about the subject of "God - governments - globalization".
Until the Industrial Revolution all states, all empires, all human societies and communities had Religion in the middle of their everyday life. There have been atheists for centuries, but there have been few. Immediately after the Industrial Revolution (and shortly before) the atheists "raised their heads." Atheists also existed in the Jews, the people of God in the years before Christ, the Saddoes. The Saddoes did not believe in the immortality of the soul or in the resurrection of the dead.
So we have the following: there are people who are religious and people, such as Saddoes, who are indifferent to religion. After the Industrial Revolution, the atheists were given the opportunity to manifest and multiply, and their rates today are very close to those of the religious. There are  so many religious as there are non-religious. So many who invoke God, and so many are those who put it aside. There are those who are the fanatics of religion, and those who are the fanatics of Yismis. Those who are right-wingers, and those who are left-wingers . Those who are center-right, and those who are  center-left.
All the above, Globalization has taken it into account, and it has built two regimes to fight each other and to have a balance. So he made Fascism or Nazism and Communism. Hitler did not cut down the number of Churches, Stalin did. The Fascists wanted globalization in the name of the nation, the Communists wanted globalization in the name of the people. Every nation has its religion (even pagan), people do not need religion.
So we can say that the difference between the regimes has to do with the place that each one gives to God!
Even today, if we pay attention to the pre-election talks in America, for example, we will see that right-wing (or republican or nationalist or conservative) speaks against abortion, against foreigners, in favor of the traditional family etc. left-wing (or democratic or communist or progressive) take exactly the opposite positions.
Of course, nowadays it is difficult to distinguish the right ones from the left. They have all become "colorless, odorless, tasteless" and that's because most food has the ability to flatter them all.
Globalization wants peace, quietness, free movement of capital, homogeneity of the world's population, global economy and global governance. Thus, while at the beginning it was taking the right-wing side, it gradually gave the same rights to the left, and today we have come to the point that the system is a BANK! While in the beginning the right prevailed, today it was demonized!
God had a place in the pre-industrial societies, had a place in industrial societies but limited, and things go to the union of religions with the ultimate goal of all worshiping the Antichrist.
Globalization did not hunt down the Church or the other religions, but in reality, It demands everything from the people. It wants to take up the position of religion, it wants all man and their bodies and souls, it wants people to become production units like robots who will work and the job will be the only purpose of life and It will scare everyone.
As Orthodox Christians we are called in the context of globalization, as it was shaped, to continue to be united with Christ and to witness Him to everything and always so that, if possible, transform the world into a Church.

Dear “Red Sky”, we must interpret the attitude and words of the Priest  and our own ecumenists: 1. the money is in the hands of Jews, not Christians. 2. Holiness ceased to be the purpose of our lives (for heretics it is not even a matter since the words have a different content) so  in Paradise will go not only the Orthodox but also the loved ones. So when the after-death course of the faithful and the unfaithful is clear, what is left is to have a good time here. So ... we can understand how our fellow humans think, justify them, but also remind them that God holds the world because there are saints. if they fail the second coming will come.
3. This explains why the saying<<Walk and learn everything about the nations ...>>  was forgotten and was replaced by <<love " without "precautions>>since money truly exist and we didn’t have to work on the fields or milk cows to live.

In 1821 the Greek Revolution began and in 1830 it became the modern Greek state. In Europe, the industrial revolution had already begun, and the Ottoman Empire had to be fragmented in order not to have power and to make the work of the states that made the industrial revolution easier.
In 1912 the partition of the Ottoman Empire continued, and with the Balkan wars, Greece took its share of Epirus and Macedonia.
In 1917 Greece enters the world war on the side of the English.
In 1919, the Europeans sent Greeks to Asia Minor to "liberate" the Greeks who lived in the parts of the Ottoman Empire or to conquer as many territories as they could by the share of the already fragmented empire.
 Did they send them to give the Turks the nudge to make their own nation-state? While the nation-state model prevailed in the Balkans (Greece, Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania),  the Turks live together with Greeks, Armenians, Kurds, etc. Did they not have the right to have their nation-state? Thus, in 1922 the Greeks were persecuted from Asia Minor, eastern Thrace and the Pontus.
In 1940, Greece entered the Second World War on the side of the English, and immediately afterwards, after putting communists to the brink, Greece was handed in to the Americans.
In 1967, the Americans imposed dictatorship in Greece. In July 1974, the Americans tell the supporters of dictators  ​​to overthrow Makarios. This gives the Turks the opportunity to invade Cyprus. This was to be expected, namely that the overthrow of Makarios would bring the Turks to the island, so they should have been ready for a Greek-Turkish war. But instead of launching a war, politicians “and politicians” declared that "Cyprus is a long way off…".
In 1981 Greece joined in United Europe and Cyprus joined in 2004 (so the union was somehow achieved).
In 2010 Greece entered the IMF. That is, no more nation-state. Since 1821, the Greeks have been fighting for the creation, growth and preservation of their national state. Today we are told that this model has ceased to be functional. The economy is global and therefore national states have to surrender their power to the Banks. And while we struggled to live our own nation-state alone, now they tell us that we have to live again with people of different nations  and different dogmas and different sex, of course under different circumstances.

The history of the last 200 years should be rewritten. After the Industrial Revolution we can not say "this politician or that general did this or that or the other," but we must say "the Bank gave money to do this or that or the other by using the politicians and the military as instruments.
Some examples:
Greece became a State for the bank of England to take back the borrowed money.
The Ottoman Empire was dismantled because it suited the Bank. Small nation-states are easier to control than a great empire.
The bank created the Arab Spring nowadays to subdue the Arabs and their oil.
The Bank gave money to Lenin and formed the communist revolution in Russia, to the subdue it.
The Bank gives money to the scientists to invent the various machines.
The Bank gives money to the philosophers to write books and to direct the masses.
The Bank gave money to Venizelos and made Thessaloniki a separate state.
The Bank stopped helping the King so people turned to where the money came from.
The Bank gave money to the Greek State and defeat the communists in gang wars.
The Bank gives money to Jihadists make them to think that they make their own revolution, but what happens in reality is the fragmentation of Muslims so they cannot unite and become dangerous.
The Bank tomorrow may give money to the Kurds and take the heads of the Turks.
The Bank gave money to the "right" and ruled until 1974. Then the Republicans gave their seats to the Democrats.
The Bank gave money to Andreas Papandreou and he came to power in 1981.
The Bank 'gave a paper" to George A. Papandreou. and then in October of 1988 he aired a financial scandal that nearly sent his father to prison. When one starts to become dangerous, the Bank puts him in his place. (LIKE TODAY ... 29 October 1988 ... the Koskota Scandal breaks out when the education minister, George Papandreou , denounced the president of Olympiakos for illegal transactions with Merrill Lynch bank. Http://www.greekalert.com/2014/10/ 29-1988.html)
The Bank gives money to non-government organizations to advance the degeneration of society. The farms also operate with animals and do not need many people, they pollute the environment.
The Bank issues money and distributes it to states and private individuals in the form of loans and thus all belong to the Bank and all work for the Bank.
The bank lends farmers so they can buy machinery and fertilizers so all agricultural products belong to the Bank. Therefore all food [(farmers, workers, employees)] belongs to the Bank. So the money in circulation can be said to correspond to the food that exists on the planet or otherwise, as long as there is food secured, the Bank may grant loans.
The Bank cuts the benefits for large families and gives money for gay parades.
The Bank owns TV channels, so public opinion is shaped as desired by the Bank.
The Bank gives money to the parties, therefore the Bank determines which party will be in power.
The Bank divided all people and nations to "rightist" and "leftist" and the value of the vote of an honest citizen has the same value as the vote of a robber. Thus, in the elections the majority wins, which is usually conducted and carried by the lower instincts.
The Bank tomorrow will say "come ”mark” yourself” to make financial transactions more secure.

The change came and we did not see it coming, or we were held back, and that was the progress of science and the flow of money. Gunpowder was discovered in the west and while the urban cannon was intended for the City, it was found in the countryside because of economic problems (it is also apparent that the papists prefer Muslims than Orthodox). We of course have failed, but we "blame" the progress of science and money. Someone like Adam is to blame, but the devil is also at fault and needs to be blamed for the original sin. and since the original sin is something granted now, we have to face it with our active entry into the Church, and thus we deal with the economic crisis with the ascetic way of life proposed to us by our Church of Christ.


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